For the past two years, thousands of women in the city have been fighting a war on two fronts, COVID-19 and CANCER. Breast cancer patients and survivors are particularly vulnerable to having the worst outcomes from coronavirus. Since 2000, it has been the charge of Sisters Network Chicago Chapter to be a safe haven for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Despite COVID-19, Sisters Network was able to serve cancer patients and survivors through our annual Breast Cancer Conference, Sista Strut, Virtual Speakers’ Educational Series, Gift for Life Block Walk, the 5 City Pink Power Tour sponsored by Sisters Network, Inc.’s National Office regarding Triple Negative Breast Cancer and our Fashion Show Fundraiser. Now, we need your help to make our efforts go even further! Will you consider donating to Sisters Network today?
The financial burden of cancer treatment and the economic instability due to COVID-19 is crushing many families. Sisters Network is providing vital financial assistance to survivors through the Breast Cancer Assistance Program (BCAP) which assists patients with utilities, rent/mortgage and other expenses not covered by insurance. We need your help. These extra funds will go a long way in helping us achieve our mission of saving lives and alleviating burdens experienced by many breast cancer survivors.
Donation instructions are below.
With deep appreciation,
Annie Jones
Annie Jones, President
Sisters Network Chicago Chapter
To make an online donation, please use Zelle via your bank’s mobile app or website.
Our account name is chicago@sistersnetworkinc.org.
For more information on how to use Zelle, please visit Zelle Pay.
Want to mail your donation instead?
Please make your check or money order payable to Sisters Network Chicago and mail it to Sisters Network Chicago, PO Box 497608, Chicago, IL 60649-7608
As an affiliate chapter of Sisters Network, Inc., the nation’s largest African American breast cancer survivorship organization, our goal is education Black women on early detection, treatment and thriving after a breast cancer diagnosis.
In order to keep pushing our message forward, we count on donations and sponsorships. To make your tax-deductible donation to the Chicago Chapter of Sisters Network, Inc., donate using the information above. Thank you for your continued support!
To inquire about becoming a sponsor, please Contact Us.